★ A resume should generally be talking about why you are a fit for the job position you are applying for.
★Tailor your resume to the job description. This doesn’t mean that you’ll falsify your experiences, but rather try to use your experiences and personal assets as to why you are the best candidate for the position.
★ Your best experiences and personal assets should be upfront. Remember that hiring managers only get a few seconds to make their impression of you through your resume. Make sure you get the most out of the few
★ Keep it short and sweet. Short meaning don’t exceed more than a page. Sweet meaning keep it direct t the point and straight to the best parts only.
★ Find the format that best suits your experiences and personal assets. There are many types of resumes such as the functional, chronological, and combination. Use the one that you think would give you an edge to stand out for the job.
★ Avoid vague and overused terms such as detail-oriented or team player. Almost all resumes contain these adjectives. Instead, relate them to the experience/s you have once you have started describing the duties you’ve
★ Experience should be upfront rather than your education. If you’ve recently graduated, then you can put your education upfront. However, most of the time, your job experiences have more bearing than the school you’ve graduated from.
★ Highlight your relevant academic achievements, not GPA.
★ If your job entails number, put in the numbers. Numbers are a clear view of results that would give the hiring manager a better impression of your capabilities.
★ Lastly, proofread at least 3x!

★ Your cover letter must always be tailored to the position you are applying for.
★ It must include all other factors that weren’t in your resume that would influence the hiring manager’s decision whether to hire you or not.
★ Use the cover letter to explain employment gaps, if applicable.
★ It should also tell why you are interested in working for the company. You can link your interest and hobbies to the industry or the job itself to make it more personal. By doing so, you would be showing enthusiasm.
★ Don’t overdo your storytelling. Although your cover letter should convey a human approach, don’t overdo it by doing jokes, flattering yourself or the company, or begging for the job.
★ Start and end strong for the first and last remarks. Again, it is important for you to leave a mark. This is powerful way to do so.